First off, I apologize for the delay between posts. Work and the weekends have been quite busy and my mind has not been juiced enough to comprehend complete sentences. A lot of you have been asking me when the next post will be up and I thank you for taking an interest in it. Hopefully, I can make this post a dandy.
Since the last post, Emily and I have begun to register for the shower and wedding. We decided upon Macy's and Bed, Bath and Beyond. We were a bit overwhelmed the first time we set out on the store floors with our scanner in hand. We begun at Macy's with the intentions of picking a china pattern but as the day went on, we could not decide and have yet choose one. Emily thought she found the perfect pattern but it turned out to be discontinued. Perhaps thats a sign. We were more successful at Bed, Bath and Beyond. We scanned quite a bit there and enjoyed ourselves.
I was amazed at how well you are treated when you walk into these stores and tell them you want to register. We were given top notch customer service, free gifts, entered for contests, and even were given free drinks and candy. This marriage thing is already paying off! It just goes to show how big of an industry the wedding business has become. It wasn't like this when our parents got married. But back then, people didn't know any better. I mean ruffles on the tuxes???
Our wedding invites have also been selected and will be mailed this spring. Finally, we chose a wedding band for Emily. I won't say where we got it but we did get a really good deal and she is very satisfied. She couldn't resist wearing it the day she got it.
For now it appears pretty much everything has been taken care of. We have been focused lately on looking for homes around our area. We are not planning on moving soon but it never hurts to see what's out there.
That's pretty much it for now. Thursday, March 20th is Emily's birthday so make sure you wish her the best.
Happy Easter!